Calling your state rep is easy! |
Inga, with, shared this with the local community about House Bill (HB) 2976:
“Why is HB 2976 important? There are way too many failing schools in Texas. Under the current law, if a school is failing, the parents can band together and demand change. But the school has to be labelled ‘academically unacceptable’ for six years. The new law, HB 2976, would shorten that to only two years.”
I decided to take Inga’s advice, and just a few minutes of my time, to call my state representatives to let them know that I am in favor of HB 2976 and I want them to vote “yes” on it. As Inga wrote, making those calls isn’t, ” …as scary as you think it will be.” Inga’s post even provides us with a script to use so we won’t feel awkward during the call.
And, just to show you how scary it is not, I videotaped myself doing it. Other than needing a better camera angle (and a blowdryer! What’s up with that wet head?!?), I think I did pretty well. Take a peek and if you believe in HB 2976, give your reps a quick call today too.
UPDATED TO ADD: Karen, the PTA president from my daughter’s school also reminds us, “Sometimes when you call you will get a recorded message and you only need to press a few buttons and leave your phone number. Like you pointed out, it only takes a minute.”
I’d also add that during one of my calls, the assistant to whom I spoke asked me for my full name, address, and phone number. During the second call I made, only my full name was requested.
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