zooI feel very lucky to live within a short drive of the Fort Worth Zoo – it’s one of the best in the region, if not the country. If you’re looking to entertain your kids (or yourself) this summer, go on over there … but be sure to go in the middle of the week, because admission is half-price on Wednesdays! That makes a ticket for people 13 and up only $6, while children ages 3-12 would get in for just $4! (Kids 2 and under are free.) 

The zoo does allow you to bring your own food and drink, so I recommend taking along a backpack with a picnic lunch inside, or a small lunchbox-sized cooler with ice packs if you have something that could spoil. The zoo website says they discourage ice chests, but I assume they mean the large rolling kind.

The Fort Worth Zoo is also celebrating its 100th anniversary this year. The celebration kicked off last Thursday, and they’ll be honoring the anniversary for the next 10 weeks, focusing on a specific animal and a specific decade of the zoo’s existence each week. This week they’re focusing on the Elephant, and the years 1920-1929. To see details on each week of the anniversary, click here.

Zoo hours during the summer are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Saleel Limaye
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