traders village shopping

It’s been less than a year since the coronavirus shut down the country for a brief time and changed the way that we all live our lives. For a short time, many businesses deemed non-essential were shuttered. Luckily, most parts of the country are reopening, and we are all beginning to do things like we used to. Of course, COVID-19 is still something to worry about and if you are worried, Traders Village wants to set your worries at ease.

While all three Traders Village locations were shut down for a brief time, they are now all reopened. They’ve returned for business with new safety guidelines to ensure that you remain happy and healthy while visiting. One of the benefits to Traders Village that other shopping or entertainment centers might lack is that Traders Village is outdoors.

According to the CDC, COVID has a better chance of being transmitted the closer you are to someone and the longer you’re around them. They state that “indoor spaces are more risky than outdoor spaces where it might be harder to keep people apart and there’s less ventilation.”

Beyond being outdoors, all visitors and vendors are required to wear face masks. Occupancy is limited, which provides more overall space, allowing people more room to social distance. Queue lines offer appropriate spacing to make sure that everyone can get in line and remain a safe distance from one another. Additionally, seating areas will be spaced 6 feet apart. In areas where distancing is not possible, the area may remain closed until it is safe to reopen.

All restrooms will be open and staffed to ensure constant sanitizing is going on. Hand sanitizers will also be available at set locations throughout the market. Traders Village encourages anyone not feeling well to stay home. In the event that you’re shopping and do not feel like a vendor can offer a safe experience, you’re encouraged to avoid that vendor. Likewise, if a vendor feels uncomfortable, they can refuse service to anyone not wearing a mask or not following safety guidelines.

With the combination of being outdoors, extra cleaning, and marking spots for social distancing, Traders Village offers a safe shopping experience. As there are thousands of vendors available, you have the ability to do most of your shopping in one place, which will limit the number of stores you shop at and people you come in contact with.

You can learn more on the Traders Village website.

Have you been to Traders Village since they reopened? Let us know in the comments!

Traders Village is located at 2602 Mayfield Road, Grand Prairie, Texas 75052. Learn more on their website.


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Saleel Limaye
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