Mark Cuban is offering reimbursement

Photo credit: Gage Skidmore, License

In light of recent news regarding the coronavirus, CivicScience is lending a helping hand to its employees and local small businesses as well. CivicScience has chosen to lead by example, and the Dallas Mavericks owner, Mark Cuban, is responding to the call to action brought upon by CivicScience in his own way.

Currently, as the world is put on a temporary pause, most businesses across America are unable to close shop. For those employees fortunate enough to have the capability to work from home, they are taking advantage of the opportunity. The CEO of CivicScience, John Dick, recently Tweeted to his employees, “we will be providing full reimbursement during the work week for coffee or lunch purchases you make from independent local establishments in our region.”

Additionally, the company will reimburse purchases made as takeout or delivery for lunch for all of its employees. The message continues to advocate for individuals to remain at home if they may feel sick to prevent any potential spreading of the coronavirus. In the end, CivicScience put forward the challenge to other companies to also provide for their employees and local communities.

Mark Cuban responded to this tweet with a simple, “We in!

A message was sent out to the Mavs and all companies owned by Mark Cuban to purchase from small local, independent businesses for lunch, coffee, and tea for reimbursement. Small businesses are taking the largest hit from the lack of trafic due to the current situation and for those employees of Mark Cuban’s companies unable to work from home, this is a major incentive to shop local for lunch. With the uncertainty of how this pandemic will play out, it is relieving to know the Dallas Mavericks will be giving back to the community in such a crucial time. It’s a call to action that not only business owners or CEOs need to participate in, but whole communities as well.

Safety is a major concern, not just in the DFW, but all around the world. As news continues to develop on this current global pandemic, it goes without saying the importance of limiting public exposure and keeping your hands clean. However, for those feeling cabin fever there still are events available throughout the DFW this week.

Keep in mind, some events may be cancelled as news develops and it is best to check online before leaving your home. Also, events cancelled through our partner Goldstar will be refunded. Check online for the most current news.

Saleel Limaye
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